Dosing Joyfully

Dosing Joyfully

by Tyler Aldridge

Ah, the holiday season—a time for family, feasts, and the annual debate on whether the turkey or the cannabis-infused pumpkin pie is the real star of the show. As cannabis becomes more accepted, many find themselves toeing the line between a traditional family gathering and a THC-infused adventure.

Firstly, let’s acknowledge that every family has its own unique vibe when it comes to cannabis. Grandma might be secretly rolling joints with her knitting needles, or Uncle John might still think CBD is a secret government code. A pre-holiday pow-wow to discuss who’s on Team Green and who’s on Team Gingerbread ensures everyone's on the same page.

Now, when it comes to incorporating cannabis into the festivities, subtlety is your BFF. Forget about hotboxing the living room; opt for discreet edibles or a vape that looks more like a tech gadget than a portal to a winter wonderland. And for those moments of bliss, designating a space away from the gingerbread decorating chaos lets everyone have their dose of merriment without disrupting the cookie exchange.

Respect the rules of the house, or face the wrath of Aunt Betty, the undisputed queen of family etiquette. If the host has a strict "no cannabis" policy, respect it like you would the family recipe for Great Grandma’s fruitcake—unchangeable and never to be questioned. But if the family is all for a joint toast before caroling, then light it up and pass the holiday cheer around. After all, THC does stand for "The Holiday Candy".

Adding a dash of cannabis to the family holiday gathering can be the secret ingredient to a memorable celebration. Balancing personal choices with family traditions is an art, much like figuring out how to assemble that tricky IKEA gingerbread house. Open communication, a dash of discretion, and a sprinkle of respect for varying viewpoints create a festive atmosphere where everyone can indulge in the true spirit of the season—whether it’s with mistletoe or a mist of cannabis-infused cheer.